Articles Tagged with spring break

Thousands of young people flock to Florida every year during their spring break from school to experience the many pleasures that our beautiful state and our tourist attractions afford. For the vast majority, the experience is rewarding and provides wonderful memories. However, accidents do happen. As a personal injury lawyer, I have seen how negligence and carelessness have harmed many people’s lives. If you come to Florida for spring break, take reasonable precautions so that the carelessness or negligence of others does not harm you. 

Common injuries to avoid

Auto, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian accidents: Auto accidents and fatalities around certain Florida attractions are nearly 10% higher during the spring break season. Primary causes include increased traffic, more young drivers, driving under the influence, and distracted driving. Don’t be one of the statistics. If you are driving, walking, or riding a bike, watch for erratic drivers and avoid traffic where possible. If you are a passenger, refuse to ride with someone who is intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, or distracted. 

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