Articles Tagged with insurance denial

In a personal injury case, you are probably dealing with multiple insurance policies, depending on the details of your situation. You could have claims for health insurance, auto insurance, a third party’s insurance, homeowners insurance, or business insurance. This is a lot for the average person to handle since most people are not dealing with insurance claims on a regular basis and don’t understand all the details, loopholes, and fine print that insurance companies often use to calculate their payout. 

If your insurance claim is denied in connection with an injury or accident, reach out to a lawyer to determine if you have a case for a personal injury lawsuit. In many cases, the insurance company may claim that your injury or accident is not covered, the procedure isn’t covered or wasn’t medically necessary, or there is insufficient evidence to prove the company is responsible for reimbursing you.

As an expert personal injury lawyer in Florida dedicated to “fighting for the little guy,” I handle these details every day. I will help you determine whether you have a case, then work tirelessly to collect all the evidence you need through documentation, investigation, and research to create the strongest case for you. I will discover every avenue that can be taken and every party responsible, in order to provide you with sufficient compensation. 

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