
Articles Posted in Product Liability


Baby Formula Lawsuits – Enfamil and NEC

There have been a growing number of lawsuits around the country against makers of infant formula based on bovine milk (cow’s milk), in particular Mead Johnson, the makers of Enfamil. Bovine-based formulas have been shown to significantly increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a potentially deadly condition. Conversely, infant…


Mass Tort Lawsuit: What It Is and How We Can Help

The term “mass tort” defines a specific type of civil lawsuit in which a “tort,” a wrongful act that causes injury, has affected masses of people. Class action lawsuits also involve many people; however, mass tort differs from a class-action lawsuit in a number of specific ways. In our Fort…


Handgun Misfires and Lawsuits

Alec Baldwin’s accidental shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of a Western movie he was filming highlights the dangers of mishandling a gun and the problem with defects in deadly weapons. Accidental injury and death from firearms are sadly fairly common and can be attributed to human error,…


How Product Recalls Work and Why You Need to Be Vigilant

Product recalls occur when a manufacturer, government entity, or consumer watchdog group discovers a defect or potential defect in a product or food, leading to a request that consumers return the product (or sometimes, in the case of food, discard it). Depending on the item being recalled, consumers may receive…


Benzene Exposure in Sunscreen: Know Your Rights

Here in Florida, the Sunshine State, people use a lot of sunscreen. We are told that it protects us from the harmful rays of the sun, but recent research suggests that the sunscreen itself might be harming us. This summer the FDA has announced that it will be closely studying…


Personal Injury at Home

As with any other personal injury lawsuit here in Florida, when you are injured in your own home or on your own property, you must be able to demonstrate negligence on the part of a third party to receive compensation. For instance, if you slip and fall in your own…

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